Moon Flip AI DEX
Blockchain solutions
Decentralized exchange-powered AI technology is revolutionizing the landscape of the financial world. By incorporating the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and leveraging the benefits of decentralized exchanges (DEX) and cryptocurrencies, this innovative solution offers a secure and efficient way to facilitate seamless transactions. The integration of AI algorithms allows for intelligent decision-making and automated processes, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring transparency and fairness.

Buy before price increase

Stage NaN/5

Total Raised = $NaN

1 MFL = $NaNNext Price: $NaN

Hurry to Buy Early in Moon Flip

Moon Flip allows you to seamlessly invest in the most promising crypto projects.

The ultimate solution for crypto enthusiasts! Join our exclusive Crypto PreSale and unlock a world of limitless possibilities. With Moon Flip, we redefine professionalism in the crypto space. The sleek design and cutting-edge technology behind Moon Flip ensure a seamless experience for all traders. Stay ahead of the game with our intuitive features that make flipping between cryptocurrencies a breeze. Don't miss out on this groundbreaking opportunity! Get your hands on Moon Flip and elevate your crypto game to new heights. Invest in the future with confidence and let Moon Flip be your trusted companion along this exciting journey..


MFL Cross Chain Bridge Aggregator

MFL cross-chain yield aggregator could deploy funds into various DeFi protocols that exist across the multi-chain ecosystem. This broader approach can allow users to earn higher rewards without needing to manually bridge their tokens across chains. Cross-chain yield aggregators can significantly reduce the friction of multi-chain yield farming, eliminating the need for manual transfers and thereby boosting liquidity across the multi-chain ecosystem.

To accommodate the need for a secure and reliable cross-chain interoperability standard, MFL lenable data and tokens to seamlessly move across different blockchain environments and interact with existing web and enterprise infrastructure. With initial launch partners such as 0x for cross-chain synthetic assets MFL is being adopted across DeFi to enable new cross-chain use cases and increase the adoption of smart contracts.

MFL Multi Chain Swap Aggregator

MFL Multi Chain Swap Aggregator help users find the best paths for swapping tokens. Users can choose the desired path, and the system usually presents them with sorted results, highlighting the most favorable options. DEXes such as Uniswap V2 and PancakeSwap also use this routing model.

MFL Swap establishing a connection to DEX's and allowing users to access them via the central gateway. MFL smart contracts hold the key, enabling participants to bridge their funds directly to the opportunity provider and receive the staked counterparts in return.

This means that:

You can do everything on one platform. People often (but by no means always) pursue as a part of blended strategy so they can ride out volatility surges and adjust their weightings to market moves. With MFL aggregator you can run your passive and active strategies in tandem, which makes things much more fluid. You can see all the rates in one snapshot. A good aggregator will show the various opportunities side by side, so you can compare before you swap. This is something we’ve really worked hard on with our Explore page. You can quickly switch between swaps. You can tell the aggregator to switch up your holding when something better comes along. This is something we’re incorporating (announcement coming soon). You save on fees. If the aggregator is hosted on layer 2, you will face minimal fees and entering or exiting your yield positions, so there is no penalty for opportunity. And, again, the aggregator performs the due diligence before any swap is displayed.

MFL Wallet

MFL Wallet is a user-friendly mobile wallet that's non-custodial, designed for Bitcoin and various other cryptocurrencies. It comes equipped with key features for securely storing, trading, and tracking cryptocurrency performance, all while prioritizing your privacy.

Manage your funds
This wallet grants you complete control over your bitcoins, ensuring that no third party can freeze or misplace your funds. However, it's important to note that you remain responsible for safeguarding and backing up your wallet.
Simplified validation
This wallet utilizes SPV (Simplified Payment Verification) and connects directly to the Bitcoin network. This minimizes the need to trust third parties for payment verification. However, it's worth noting that it's not as secure as running a full node such as Bitcoin Core.
Basic transparency
The developers of this wallet make the client's source code publicly available. This allows developers worldwide to review and audit the code. However, when installing or updating the software, trust in the wallet's developers is still necessary, as it's not constructed in a deterministic manner like Bitcoin Core.
Secure environment
This wallet is installed on mobile devices, typically in isolated app environments, offering a strong defense against malware. However, mobiles are often more susceptible to theft or loss. To mitigate these risks, encrypting your device and backing up your wallet are recommended steps.
Basic privacy
Protects Your Payment Privacy
This wallet is installed on mobile devices, typically in isolated app environments, offering a strong defense against malware. However, mobiles are often more susceptible to theft or loss. To mitigate these risks, encrypting your device and backing up your wallet are recommended steps.
Limits Information Shared with Peers
While peers on the network can still log your IP address, this wallet minimizes the information shared, reducing the ability to link your payments together.
No Support for Tor
Unfortunately, this wallet doesn't support Tor, which means it doesn't provide protection against attackers or Internet service providers linking your payments to your IP address.
Dynamic fee suggestions
MFL wallet offers fee recommendations based on the current network conditions. It assists you in selecting the right fee to ensure your transactions are confirmed promptly without overpaying.

MFL Contract



Ethereum Chain (ERC20)

Token Symbol





Presale - 20%
Community & Staking Rewards - 20%
CEX & DEX listing - 10%
Liquidity - 25%
Product Development- 10%
Marketing- 15%


#Total Tokens1,000,000,000
2Community & Staking Rewards200,000,000
3CEX & DEX listing100,000,000
5Product Development100,000,000


  • Till now

    - Presale started

  • Q2 - 2024

    - Cross Chain Bridge Beta Release

    - Multi Chain Swap Beta Release

  • Q3 - 2024

    - Token Launch

    - DEX & CEX Listing

    - Android & iOS Wallet Launch

  • Q4 - 2024

    - Payment Gateway Beta Release

  • Q1 - 2025

    - Wallet Launch

    - Cross Chain Bridge Launch

    - Multi Chain Swap Launch

    - Payment Gateway Launch